Conva.AI is a full-stack platform that lets businesses add AI experiences to mobile and web apps without needing specialized DS/ML teams.
Conva.AI removes all the complexity associated with existing state-of-the-art frameworks and processes.
What kind of AI experiences can you
build with Conva.AI inside your app?
It comes with 3 top level components
that offers a simplified and
intuitive interface for defining and
grounding your app’s AI experience.
to bring the AI experience into your app with just a few lines of code
that connects the SDK with the Assistant that were created using Magic Studio, offering intelligent routing, reliable and low latency inferences.
AI, Simplified for Your App – No Expertise Required
without needing to
worry about individual
AI components
Langchain simplified AI for server developers. Conva.AI does the same for mobile and web—no coding or prompt engineering required.
Conva.AI simplifies adding AI experiences and fosters collaboration. Product Managers can define and prototype AI features, while developers fine-tune and integrate them.
Conva.AI is being used by over 400+ developers all around the world.
With Conva.AI, we bring you 7+ years of our experience in building simple to use, scalable and highly reliable platforms for bringing AI into apps.